Education & Resources


We take fraud protection very seriously, and are committed to educating our customers and community about ways they can protect themselves and help others steer clear of being a victim of financial fraud or scams. Please help others stay in the know about financial safety. Here are some trustworthy and professional resources for learning more.

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Watch Out for Tax Scams

According to the IRS, thousands of people have lost millions of dollars and their personal information to tax scams. Scammers use regular mail, telephone and email to trick individuals, businesses, payroll and tax professionals. Be aware: the IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages or social media channels to request personal or financial information.


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Find FDIC-Insured Banks

Unsure of a financial institution you’ve received a check or correspondence from? Use this handy search tool to find FDIC-insured banks and branches from today, to last year, and all the way back to 1934. Open search tool >>

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Fraud Education

Here are 10 ways to spot signs of fraud, and what you should do about it. Read the article here >>

Woman looking at her phone

About Identity Theft

Worried about identity theft? Learn exactly what this is, how to spot signs of identity theft attempts, what to do if this is suspected and more. Read the article here >>

Business man paying with credit card

Fake Check Scams on the Rise

We continue to see more and more check scams as it gets harder and harder to spot counterfeit checks. Learn some tips to spot, avoid and report fake check scams by reading the article here >>

Business man paying with credit card

Avoiding Online Security Scams

Online security tips for all ages. Find great information and share with others by reading the article here >>
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FDIC Insurance Information

Learn how your deposit accounts are protected by the FDIC.

Let's Get Started

Questions? We're ready for you. Come visit us in person or simply pick up the phone. We look forward to sharing the friendly Farmers & Merchants State Bank experience with you.

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